Thursday, June 16, 2011

Prince William Forest Park Camping

Our first camping trip of the season was over Easter weekend (yes I am terribly behind in my blogging) and we headed to Prince William Forest Park.  We had a bit of an adventure getting there as traffic was terrible and the clouds were getting pretty dark.  We did have a bit of rain and had our first meal in our tent trailer but the rest of the weekend was quite nice despite a wet forecast.

This was our first camping trip of the season and our first camping trip as a family of four and what amazes me most is how well of a packing job we did (considering how disorganized I've been).  We only missed a few things (one being chocolate for smores but I'll get into that in another post).

Callen's first camping trip was super smooth with no major sleeping issues.  He did get up a few time in the middle of the night but he was in our bed so it was easy to calm him back down or feed him if needed.  Camping with a baby in a camper is really easy.  Hopefully we'll have lots of trips this summer.

 Supper Inside
 Yum (Callen's 3rd day of solid food)
 Chilling outside
 Best Camping Chair Ever (KirstiG)
Pepper anyone?

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